Los trece episodios de esta serie, ordenados cronológicamente, abarcan desde la más famosa "victori" de Ramsés II, pasando por las conquistas de Alejandro Magno y las Guerras Púnicas, hasta la caida del Imperio Romano:
- Kadesh (Ramses II against the Hitites, 1274 BC)
- Marathon (Battle of Marathon, 490 BC)
- Thermopylae (Battle of Thermopylae, 480 BC)
- Gaugamela (Alexander's victory over Darius III of Persia at the Battle of Gaugamela, 331 BC)
- Cannae (Hannibal's victory at the Battle of Cannae, 216 BC) (parte 1, parte 2, parte 3)
- Cynoscephalae (The Birth of the Roman Empire, 197 BC)
- Spartacus (selected battles of the Third Servile War, 73 to 71 BC)
- Carrhae (Crassus: Rich Man, Poor Man, 53 BC)
- Pharsalus (Hail Caesar! 48 BC)
- Battle of the Teutoburg Forest (Herman the German, AD 9)
- Boudicca's Revolt (Battle of Watling Street, AD 61)
- Adrianople (The Gothic Invasion of Rome and the Sack of Rome AD 378 to 410)
- Chalons (Attila the Hun, AD 451)
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