viernes, 8 de octubre de 2010

The Human Body (1998): Robert Winston

La aclamada serie de Robert Winston, "The Human Body", supuso un punto de inflexión entre los documentales que mostraban los diferentes aspectos de la biología humana.

Modernas técnicas de imagen virtual, retoque digital y cámara de grabacuión hiper-ralentizada fueron utilizadas para mostrar el desrrollo de una persona desde la concepción hasta la muerte:
  1. Life story - Every second, a world of miraculous microscopic events take place within the body (Parte 1, Parte 2, Parte 3, Parte 4, Parte 5, Parte 6)
  2. An everyday miracle - The drama of conception activates the most sophisticated life support machine on earth
  3. First Steps - In four years, the new-born child learns every survival skill
  4. Raging Teens - The hormone-driven roller-coaster otherwise known as adolescence!
  5. Brain Power - The adult human brain is the most complicated - and mysterious - object in the universe
  6. As time goes by - is far more complex - and fascinating - than mere decline
  7. The end of life - Even in death, the body reveals remarkable secrets

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